Let's Talk! I LOVE hearing from you!So tell me what's on your mind... Hi Beth, My name is . I'm writing to you on this amazing day because I'm writing to you on this amazing day because - Select -I'd like to license your artwork.I want to collaborate with you.I just want to tell you that you're awesome.I want to hire you.Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's joint patronus came to me in a vision and told me to find you.I want to make you an offer you can't refuse.Other… Enter other… And I'd just like to say... And you can email me back at Until I hear back from you, I'll be Until I hear back from you, I'll be - None -avoiding going to the gymogling your work on Instagramimagining you riding a unicornlistening to Alanis Morissette like it's 1998attempting to mind meld with Tina and Amy's patronusOther… Enter other… Thank you for reading my email and getting back to me! Thank you for reading my email and getting back to me! - Select -High five!Wink, wink.Booty bumpsExpecto patronum!!!!Sigh...Other… Enter other… Love,